Thursday, August 26, 2021

Ashley Simone MUA

Give us a brief introduction to who you are, the city you represent and the names & type(s) of business(es) you own. 

My name is Ashley Simone. I'm a freelance makeup artist and mixed media artist. I am the owner/CEO of Makeup by Ashley Simone.

Who or what inspires you when it comes to business? 

Pat Mcgrath is one of my biggest inspirations as a makeup artist. To go from what I'm doing everyday to creating a multibillion dollar cosmetics line is amazing to me. She is ICONIC and I pray one day people look at my work and think the same.  Art also has a major influence on my work.

What is your creative process like? 

Unorganized at best . I truly don't plan anything. I look at a few ideas, forget about it and then just wing it lol. Its worked pretty good up till now lol

What do you feel sets you apart from other brands? 

My creativity and my range. I can do natural makeup, bridal, Instagram beats, editorial, illusion and special effects. I never want to limit myself. I want to do it all. If I can specialize in 

Do you feel like the internet has had an impact on your success as a business owner? 

Most of my major opportunities have come from social media platforms. Social media serves in a sense as a portfolio. Anybody can access your work. It also streamlined my booking process tremendously.

Tell me about any highlights you've experienced while being in business 

I'm blessed to say I’ve had the opportunity to have my work published multiple times. I’ve done a fashion show in NYC with an international Indian designer. I was invited to work at NY Fashion Week last year. Honestly I've met and worked with so many amazing people over the last 3 years that this whole journey has been a highlight.

What's next for you and your business? 

I want to travel more. I want to teach and expand my business. I want to be able to give someone the same opportunity that someone once gave me.

Anything else you want the audience to know about you or your business?

I just want to thank all my clients, any future clients, and the team for all the support and love. Y'all don't how much you push me to be a better me. I'm going to continue to push the limits in beauty and hopefully some major things will come to fruition.

How to Support:

Facebook: Ashley Simone MUA

IG: @makeupbyashleysimone

Tiktok: @ashleysimone716


Thursday, August 19, 2021


Give us a brief introduction of who you are, the city you represent and the names & type(s) of business(es) you own
My name is Nadja Artis, I’m from Buffalo, NY and I am the owner of LuxNic; a Luxury Picnic Service Provider.

Who or what inspires you when it comes to business?
It may sound cliché but my son really motivates me and inspires me when it comes to my business. My goal in life has always been to provide him with a great life and for him to see a happy and successful mother. I’ve always longed for something that I’m passionate about to show him that life isn’t about just going to a job every day to pay the bills. That it’s achievable to wake up every day to do the things that you love. This business is helping me achieve that goal.

What is your creative process like?
LuxNic was targeted towards people who want to get together to have a great time with friends, partners, spouses etc. I think about how I can expound on the idea of what a traditional picnic entails, and merging it with a little luxury. I reflect on what type of ambiance I want my customer to experience by choosing to book with me. For example, a great picnic has to have a good atmosphere so music is always a great player in that. Adding things like a Bluetooth speaker to your LuxNic as an add on option assists with that. LuxNic is just a vibe like no other.

What do you feel sets you apart from other brands?
I think what sets me apart is my energy! I really enjoy this business and seeing the joy and excitement that it brings to my guests faces means the world to me. Being this my first business it’s my baby. I have really have spent a lot of time and energy making sure that both my business and my brand is a representation of me. I’ve always been about good energy and positivity and my hope is that it’s felt with every LuxNic experience.

Do you feel like the internet has had an impact on your success as a business owner?
I owe the majority of my business to the internet and social media. When I decided to do luxury picnics I found out there’s a whole community that does them. I found a Facebook group that has single handedly helped me with the majority of my business. From contracts to insurance, supplies and ideas this group has been so helpful. Social media has also been the primary driver of my bookings. I launched on Facebook and Instagram on July 20th and I’ve received most of my business via those platforms.

Tell me about any highlights you've experienced while being in business
The biggest highlight I’ve received is seeing the excitement and happiness my guests display when they see their LuxNic. I’m all about good vibes and positive energy and my goal is that each of my guests feel and experience that through their bookings with me.

What's next for you and your business?
With summer so quickly coming to an end I’m focusing on how LuxNic can be even bigger and better for next season. There’s no weather like Buffalo, NY weather! I’ve also been determining how I can provide LuxNics for my guests throughout the fall and winter as well. I’m so excited about this business and can’t wait to do it on an even larger scale.

Anything else you want the audience to know about you or your business?
I just want to thank all of my friends, loved ones, and even strangers, my LuxNic family, who have supported my business thus far. It’s been an exciting process being a new business owner and I’m looking forward to what the future holds.

List all your social media handles and/or websites
Instagram: LuxNic716
Facebook: LuxNic

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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Heavywavy Brand

Give us a brief introduction to who you are, the city you represent and the names & type(s) of business(es) you own.
My name Jeremy Hunter they call me HOP that’s my nickname and rap name I’m from Buffalo NY 716 uptown Lasalle ave ..... and I’m the CEO OF HEAVYWAY BRAND it’s my company independent record label ima up and coming rapper also under the HEAVYWAY BRAND is fashion which I style myself drawing different images on hoodies and tees also my HEAVYWAY BRAND IM writing my 1st movie... also I was in a movie called HANGER PANGS you can watch that on Amazon prime 

Who or what inspires you when it comes to business?
God bless my mother she passed away dec 17th 2019 but she is and still is inspiring me she had her own businesses when I was little and grown I would watch her work hard and she always told me To do what you love and I’m doin that also Rick Ross and Nipsey Hussle these are my favorite rappers because they teach wealth and give back to the community and also give opportunities which one day I wanna do the same also that grind that struggle fightin for a win I love that somethin to prove

What is your creative process like?
It’s a gut feeling I don’t think to much about it a feeling comes over me it’s my life when I rap when I draw my ups my downs in life I’ve fail many times in my life and I put myself in a place where I have to be hard on myself I can’t can’t it easy

What do you feel sets you apart from other brands?
My creativity abilities I have my own ideas I have drawings for my clothes that I haven’t did yet That I know going to catch the world eyes I’m very confident in my Brand ima very confident person

Do you feel like the internet has had an impact on your success as a business owner?
Yes I do because people from Florida to North Carolina to Maryland To ATL to NYC hit me up for my music and hoodies and tshirts I believe that with the internet I could reach millions of people worldwide one day soon

Tell me about any highlights you've experienced while being in business
I feel Rick Ross and his MMG team reaching out to me about my hoodies and tshirts was very crazy I was very shocked but blessed it just put more motivation in me to get the job done and also being on Benny The butcher unsign hype tape which he put a lot of up and coming rappers on a tape and drop it and that helped me out a lot far as my rap career I even talked to fat joe over the ig but I feel it’s more to come

What's next for you and your business?
Right now I’m working on a website that’s going to have my hoodies and tshirts also my music to buy on there I wanna just build my fan core real fans And show them ME give them the real me I have few videos that I’m loading to drop you can find my videos on Heavyway brand YouTube channel

Anything else you want the audience to know about you or your business?
I want the people to know I’m here to stay and let’s work hit me up on the IG 

Get in touch with J Hunter / Heavywavy Brand
@heavywayhop - IG 
@heavywaybrand - IG
 J hop Hunter- Facebook
 Email -

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